Below is a list of keywords related to the search engine optimization and marketing industry along with their definitions.
SEO Vocabulary…
An algorithm is a set of commands, steps to solve a mathematical problem. Each search engine uses a set of proprietary algorithms to calculate the relevance of its indexed web pages in its particular query. The result of this process is a list of ranked sites in the order that search engines consider the most relevant. Search engine algorithms are closely guarded to prevent the exploitation of algorithmic results. Search algorithms also change frequently to include new data and improve consistency.
Algorithm results
Algorithmic results are a list of ranked numbers that are provided in response to a search engine query. They are often referred to as organic listings as opposed to paid listings because their ranking is based on relevance rather than the advertising revenue paid to search engines. However, the list of payments appears in many search engines with algorithmic results, if relevant. The website’s unpaid algorithm is known as Natural Search Engine Optimization to improve results.
Alt tag / Alt text
An alt tag is HTML text that appears when loading an image or when the cursor is located on the image. Alt text is useful in search engine optimization because it can contain keywords that search engines see in response to a query.
Tics refers to all the techniques, programming, and data used in search engine marketing to analyze the performance of a website or Internet marketing campaign.
Anchor text
Also known as link text, anchor text is visible, clickable text between HTML anchors and texts. Clicking on the anchor text activates the hyperlink to another website. Anchor text is very important in search engine optimization because search engine algorithms consider hyperlink keywords related to the landing page.
Also known as backlinks, backlinks or inbound links, backlinks are all links to other websites that direct users to clicks on your site. Backlinks can significantly improve your site’s search rankings, especially if they have an anchor text keyword related to your site and are located on sites with high page rank.
Listed or also known as a blacklist, a restricted site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine index, specifically to engage in black hat SEO. Restricted sites are ignored by search engines.
Banner Ed
A banner ad is a rectangular graphic ad. Banner advertising is one of the most common forms of online advertising. Their sizes vary, but most sizes are 468 pixels wide, which is 60 pixels high. Clicking on the banner ad will direct you to the advertiser’s website or designated landing page.
Black hat SEO
Black hat SEO is used for unethical or deceptive optimization techniques. This includes spam, cloaking or any other violation of search engine rules. If a search engine finds a site associated with a black hat SEO, it will remove that site from its index.
Also known as Restricted or Listed, a blacklisted site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine index, specifically to engage in black hat SEO. Blacklisted sites are ignored by search engines.
Broken link
Also known as a dead link, a broken link is a link that no longer points to an active destination or landing page. Search engines dislike broken links. Keeping all links to your site active is an important part of ongoing optimization.
Click on Fraud
Click-fraud is the illegal practice of manipulating cost-per-click (CPC) or pay-per-click (PPC) revenue sharing agreements. Numerous types of clicks are fraudulent, but in one specific scenario the webmaster of the site that publishes the ads gets paid for each click of the ad links, paying individuals a small fee for clicking on those links. Companies thus pay for advertising to customers from whom there is no purpose to purchase. Some companies have filed class action lawsuits alleging that advertising publishers like Google and Yahoo! Click has failed to aggressively combat fraud because they have the benefit of increased CPC revenue.
Click-through refers to a single instance of a user clicking on ad links or a site listing and moving to a landing page. Engine Click-through Rate (CTR) is one of the primary goals of search engine optimization.
Click-through Rate (CTR)
Click-through rate is the percentage of users who click on ad links or search engine sites list them out of the total number of visitors, i.e. four click-throws out of ten views have a 40% CTR.
Cloaking is the presentation of alternate pages of the search engine spider so that it will record different content for the URL than what any human browser would see. Cloaking is usually done to gain a high search engine position or to provoke users to visit the site. In such cases cloaking is considered black hat SEO and offensive URLs can be blacklisted.
Contextual Link Inventory (CLI)
Search engines / ad networks use their respective link inventory to match keyword-related text-link ads to the site’s content. The CLI is based on a list of website pages with content that the ad-server considers a relevant keyword match. Ad Network further improves CLA compatibility by monitoring the click-through rate of displayed ads.
Conversion is a term used by a user for a significant action when visiting a site, i.e. when making a purchase, requesting information, or registering for an account.
Conversion tics nalitics
Conversion analytics is a branch of analytics that deals specifically with conversion-related information from organic and paid search engine traffic, such as the keywords used in their queries, the type of conversion resulting, the resulting landing page path, search engine usage, and so on.
Conversion rate
The conversion rate is a step beyond the click-through rate. That’s the percentage of all site visitors who “convert” (buy, register, request information, etc.). If three users purchase products and one user requests a catalog from daily visitors, the conversion rate of the site is 40%.
Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is the return of an investment model in which returns are measured by dividing the total click / marketing cost by the number of conversions achieved. Total Acquisition Cost / Number of Conversions = CPA. CPA is also used as a synonym for cost-per-performance.
Cost-per-action (CPA)
Advertisers are charged a conversion-based fee in a price-wise advertising revenue system, i.e. whenever a user buys a product, opens an account, or requests a trial fee. C.P.A. Also known as the price of each acquisition, although the term cost-per-acquisition can be confusing as it also refers to a return to the investment model.
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Also known as pay-per-click or display-for-performance, cost-per-click advertising is an advertising revenue system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies pay an agreed amount for each click on their ads. This click-through rate-based payment structure is considered by some advertisers to be more cost effective than the cost-per-thousand payment structure, but at the same time leads to click fraud.
Cost-per-thousand (CPM)
Cost-per-mile, also known as cost-per-impression or CPM (the Latin word for thousands is Mile), cost-per-thousand is an advertising engine system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies agree to pay. Amounts for every 1000 users who view their ads, regardless of whether a click-through or conversion is received. CPM is commonly used for banner ad sales, while cost-per-click is usually used for text link advertising.
Also known as a spider or robot, a crawler is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collects data, follows links, makes copies of new and updated sites, and stores URLs in search engine indexes. . This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.
Restricted or also known as a blacklist, a listed site is a URL that has been removed from a search engine index, specifically to engage in black hat SEO. Listed sites are ignored by search engines.
Description Tag Tag c
Also known as a meta description tag, a description tag is a short HTML paragraph that provides search engines with a description of the content of the page for search engine indexing purposes. The description tag is not only displayed on the website, but may or may not be displayed in the search engine listings for that site. Search engines are now giving less importance to description tags instead of actual page content.
A directory is an index of websites compiled by people instead of a crawler. Directories can be divided into general or specific categories and subcategories. The directory’s servers provide a relevant list of registered sites in response to user questions. Directory registration is thus an important method for creating inbound links and improving SEO performance. However, the decision to include the site and its directory rank or classification is determined by the directory editors rather than the algorithm. Some directories accept free submissions while others require payment for listing. The most popular directories include Yahoo!, The Open Directory Project and Luxmart.
Doorway page
Also known as a gateway page or a jumping page, a sliding page is a URL designed to rank high for a specific keyword with minimal content and redirect visitors to the homepage or designated landing page. Some search engines fill in the entrance pages in the soft form of cloaking or spam. However, gateway pages can be legitimate landing pages designed to measure the success of a promotional campaign, and they are generally allowed in paid listings.
Also known as a link or HTML link, a hyperlink is a piece of image or text that opens another web page when a user clicks on a different part of the current page or clicks a browser. Inbound links with keyword-related link text are an important part of search engine optimization strategy.
Dynamic content is web content such as search engine result pages (SERPS) generated or modified based on database information or user activity. Web pages that remain the same for all visitors in every context include “static content”. Many e-commerce sites create dynamic content based on purchase history and other factors. If the page contains a session ID number, search engines have a hard time indexing the dynamic content, and will usually ignore the URL that contains the variable “?” Included. Search engines will punish sites that use deceptive or aggressive means to create dynamic content.
Flash optimization
Flash is a vector graphics-based animation program developed by rome chromidia. Although most corporate sites display Flash movies / animations, search engine crawlers were created to index HTML text, so sites that prefer Flash over text find it difficult or even impossible for crawlers to read. Flash tim optimization is the process of redesigning Flash movie and surrounding HTML code to make it more “crawled” for search engines.
Gateway page
Also known as a gateway page or a jumping page, a gateway page is a URL designed to rank high for a specific keyword for minimal content and to redirect visitors to the homepage or designated landing page. Gateway pages are crammed with some search engines as a soft form of cloaking or spam. However, gateway pages can be legitimate landing pages designed to measure the success of a promotional campaign, and they are generally allowed in paid listings.
Geographic targeting
The geographic goal is to focus search engine marketing on the states, counties, cities, and neighborhoods that are important to the company’s business. One basic aspect of geographic targeting is to add the names of relevant cities or streets to the site’s keywords, i.e. Hyde Street Chicago Apartments. Another important element of geo-targeting is increasing your site’s presence on local search engines.
Geographical division
Geographic segmentation is the use of tics nalitics to classify a site’s web traffic by the physical locations of the site from which it originates.
Google Adsense
Google AdSense is an advertising program powered by Google that provides relevant text, image and video-based ads to registered site owners. Advertisers register with Google ords dwards and pay for advertising on a pay-per-click, cost-per-thousand or cost-per-action basis. This revenue is shared with Google AdSense host sites, usually on a PPC basis (which sometimes leads to click fraud). Google uses its search algorithms and contextual link inventory to display the most relevant ads based on site content, query relevance, ad “Quality Score” and other factors.
Google AdWords
Google AdWords is a keyword submission program that determines the ad rates and keywords used in the Google AdSense program. Advertisers bid on keywords that are relevant to their business. Ranked ads then appear as sponsored links on Google search engine results pages (SERPS) and Google AdSense host sites.
Graphical Search Inventory (GSI)
The graphical search inventory is the visual equivalent of a reference inventory. GSI is a non-text-based ad such as banner ads, pop-up ads, browser toolbars, animations, sound, video and other media that are synchronized to related keyword queries.
Gray Hate SEO
Gray hat SEO refers to the search engine tim optimization strategy that comes between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. Gray hat SEO techniques can be legal in some cases and illegal in others. Such techniques include doorway pages, gateway pages, cloaking and duplicate content.
Hidden text
Hidden text is a generally obsolete form of black hat SEO in which a large number of pages are filled with the same color as the background, presenting keywords that are invisible to the human eye but detectable by the search engine crawler. Multiple title tags or HTML comments are optional hidden text techniques. Hidden text can be easily found by search engines and the result will be blacklisting or rank reduction.
A hit is a somewhat misleading measure of traffic to a web site. One hit is recorded for each file request in the web server’s log access log. If a user visits a page with four images, one hit for each graphic image file will be recorded for the HTML file of the page. A better measure of traffic volume is the number of pages / .x access of HTML files.
The short name HTML is Hypertext Markup Language, the language used to create pages on the World Wide Web. HTML is a combination of codes or HTML tags
Also known as a link or HTML link, a hyperlink is a piece of image or text that opens another web page when a user clicks or lets the browser jump to a different part of the current page. Inbound links with keyword-related link text are an important part of the search engine optimization strategy.
An index is a search engine database. It contains all the information identified by the crawler, especially copies of the World Wide Web pages. When a user makes a query, the search engine uses its indexed pages and a set of algorithms to provide a numbered list of the most relevant pages. In the case of a directory, the index includes the titles and summaries of the sites listed that have been categorized by the editors of the directory.
Inbound links
Also known as backlinks, backlinks or backlinks, inbound links are all links to other websites that direct users to click on your site. Inbound links can significantly improve your site’s search rankings, especially if they contain anchor text keywords related to your site and are located on sites with high page rank.
Also known as page view, impressions are the only example of an ad being displayed online. Search engines and ad networks use imprint statistics to charge advertisers on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis.
Internet marketing
Basically, Internet marketing is using the Internet to advertise, communicate and sell goods and services. At the advanced level, Internet marketing is referred to as search engine optimization (SEO), which is the use of targeted keywords, crawler-friendly site architecture, search engine submissions and site position, page rank and an improved link network. Click-through rate.
Internet Marketing Consultant
Also known as SEO professionals or SEO experts, Internet marketing consultants use their knowledge of search engine optimization strategies to improve their clients’ position and page rank.
Internet promotion
Search engine promotion, also known as website marketing or website promotion, internet promotion refers to all the methods employed to promote a website for the individuality of a website or company and to increase its position and page rank.
Also known as search terms or query terms, keywords are words (words) or phrases (words) that a user enters into a search engine’s query b into x. The Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranks sites indexed according to how relevant the search engine thinks it is to the keywords searched. One of the most important SEO strategies companies can employ is to optimize their site pages with content that has keywords relevant to their products or industry.
Keyword marketing
Keyword marketing is the use of keywords-optimized content and keyword-specific link text to emphasize the site’s relevance to those terms and to increase the rank for relevant web queries there. Keyword marketing can also be done through keyword-based advertising programs such as Google AdSense. Keyword marketing is an essential component of search engine optimization.
Keyword submission
Keyword submission is an all-encompassing term for keyword research / selection, bid expense assessment, and budgeting as companies work to launch pay-click keyword campaigns with ad networks such as Google AdWords, Yahoo. Sponsored Search and Micro .ft Adcenter.
Landing page
A landing page is a page on which a visitor “lands” after clicking on a search engine listing, email link, banner ad, cost-click-click ad, or other ad / link. The landing page may be the site’s homepage, but it’s usually a page designed to appeal to users who click-through a specific ad or link. Landing pages are also used to monitor site traffic and measure the success of an ad campaign. Well-designed landing pages that relate to a user’s keyword query will improve conversion rates and play a crucial role in search engine marketing.
Also known as a hyperlink or HTML link, a link is part of an image or text that opens another web page when clicked by a user or jumps the browser to a different part of the current page. Inbound links with keyword-related link text are an important part of the search engine optimization strategy.
Bite the link
Link baiting is the creation of content that prompts users to link to your page from other websites. The types of link bytes vary greatly, but include very informative articles or news stories, useful resources, and sometimes controversial or sensitive content. Link baiting is a white hat SEO technique used to help a site improve its link popularity and page rank. Some sites use link baiting as the focus of their website marketing campaigns.
Link Exchange
A link exchange is a Quid Pro Quo configuration or reciprocal link exchange between two sites. Reciprocal links usually lead to the home page of the affiliate site.
Link Farm
A link farm is a webpage or group of webpages that only exist to increase the number of backlinks in a site’s link network. A link farm is a way to increase a site’s PageRank or popularity and thus improve its search engine rankings. However, link farms are considered a form of spam and sites that rely on it are penalized by search engines.
Link popularity
Link popularity is a measure of how popular a webpage is by the number of backlinks it has. However, link popularity is not just a matter of quantity. Page rank is achieved when backlinks are located on reputable, relevant sites rather than so-called link farms. Most search engines use link popularity as a factor in their algorithmic results.
Link text
Also known as anchor text, link text is visible, clickable text between HTML anchor endtags. Clicking on the link text activates the hyperlink to another web site. Links text is very important in search engine optimization because search engine algorithms consider hyperlink keywords related to the landing page.
Listings are indexed sites that appear in numbered order on a search engine results page in response to a user query.
Local search
Local search refers to both geographic keywords (cities, streets, etc.) in search terms and the use of yellow page-type search engines such as Google Maps, Yahoo. Local and ascetic to find business services in a specific zip code. Search engine placement services use local SEO to connect with their community clients in the traditional “brick and mortar business”.
Marketing Analytics
Marketing analytics is a branch of analytics that deals specifically with the marketing-related information of organic and paid search engine traffic, such as unique visitors, keyword-generated sales, cost-per-click advertising, click fraud, search engine marketing, and more.
Meta Description Tag Tag c
Also known as a description tag, a meta description tag is a short HTML paragraph that provides search engines with a description of the content of the page for search engine indexing purposes. The meta description is not only displayed on the displayed website, but may or may not be displayed in the search engine listings for that site. Search engines are now giving less importance to meta description tags instead of actual page content.
Meta Keywords Tag Tag c
Meta keywords provide search engines with a list of keywords that are relevant to the tagged webpage. Search engines for this page can ensure ranking by indexing correctly. However, search engines are now giving less importance to meta keyword tags instead of actual page content.
Meta robots tag
Meta robots tagging (named for search engine crawlers or robots) prevents page authors from adding their webpages to search engine indexes. Meta robots tagging options are robots.ttx. Files and password protection.
Meta search engine
A meta search engine retrieves its list by running user queries and then summarizing the results by many other search engines. The meta search engine does not maintain its own index. Listings are categorized by meta search engine or by search engine source. An example of a meta search engine is
Meta Tags
Meta tags are HTML tags placed on a webpage that contain information for crawlers and web browsers. Meta tag information types include page description (description tag), page-related keywords (meta keywords), whether the page can be indexed (meta robots tag), copyright pyrite, page refresh dates, and redirection instructions.
Natural list (or natural tim optimization)
Also known as organic listings, natural listings are webpage listings that appear on a search engine results page because the search engine algorithm considers them to be related to the query. Natural listings may include paid listings, but only if they meet the same requirements as natural listings. The best way to improve a site’s natural listing is through a natural search engine
Natural search engine optimization
Natural Optimization, also known as Organic Search Engine Optimization or White Hat SEO, Natural Search Engine Optimization is a keyword focused copy of copy and paste, with crawler-friendly site architecture, search engine optimization, search engine optimization, search engine optimization. And click-through rate. About 80% of web users see natural listings first, so natural SEO offers more chance of long-term business success than paid listings or pay-click-click advertising campaigns.
Optimization services
Internet promotion, also known as site optimization or search engine placement service, are all methods optimized by search engine tim optimization company to improve site status and page rank and increase its click-through rate and conversion rate.
Organic listing (or organic tim optimization)
Also known as natural listings, organic listings are webpage listings that appear on a search engine results page because the search engine algorithm considers them to be related to the query. The organic listing may include a paid listing, but only if it meets the same requirements as the organic listings. The best way to improve a site’s organic listing is through natural search engine optimization.
Outbound links
Outbound links are all links to a specific webpage that leads to other pages, including pages in the same domain. Excessive number of outbound links hurts a site’s search engine position because Spider treats it as a link farm.
Page rank (or PR)
PageRank is a link analysis algorithm developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The number from one (low) to ten (highest) is assigned to the webpage as its important criterion, especially since the user is likely to reach that page by clicking on the random links. PageRank is not the same thing as rank.
Paid inclusion
Paid inclusion is an advertising program offered by some search engines that guarantees to include the page in the index in exchange for a fee. Unlike paid placement, the ranking of paid content pages is determined solely by search engine algorithms. Paid inclusion sites may or may not be labeled as ads based on search engine policy.
Paid listings
Paid listings, as opposed to natural listings or organic listings, are sites that appear on the results page because search engines were paid for inclusion and / or status. Paid lists are used as a holistic term for methods of paid inclusion and paid placement.
Paid placement
Paid placement is a program in which a list of advertisers is guaranteed to appear on the results page when certain keywords are searched. The ranking of paid placement listings is determined by competitive bidding. Unlike paid content listings, paid placement lists are usually displayed separately from natural listings and are labeled as ads or sponsored links. Google and Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) is one of the two largest paid placement search networks.
Pay-per-click (PPC)
Also known as pay-per-click or pay-per-display, pay-click is an advertising revenue system used by search engines and ad networks in which advertising companies pay an agreed amount for each click on their ads. This click-through rate-based payment structure is considered by some advertisers to be more cost effective than the cost-per-thousand payment structure, but at the same time leads to click fraud.
Also known as rank, position is the position where the website occupies the keyword compared to the first list on the algorithmic result page in response to the keyword. The first page displays a list in one of the ten positions, the second page starting at eleven and so on. Businesses Trying to get their site into the top ten will often employ a professional search engine optimization company. Consumer studies have shown that most search engine users only click on sites that have occupied the top ten positions.
Status report
Position reporting is the monitoring of daily changes in search engine rankings for indexed URLs that are optimized for specific keywords by search engine optimization company. Position reporting is also used to generate search engine ranking reports.
Professional search engine tim optimization
Professional search engine optimization is a modification of a website by an SEO company to increase its position and page rank and improve its click-through rate and conversion rate.
A query is a question or an example of a question. A search engine query is a user’s request for information (i.e. webpages) in a search engine index that is relevant to a set of keywords or search terms. Queries are sometimes used for actual keywords entered into the user search box.
Also known as a position, rank is the position that corresponds to the first list on the algorithmic result page in response to a query of a website query. The first page displays a list in one of the ten positions, the second page is up to eleven. Etc. Businesses trying to get their site into the top-ten ranks often use a professional search engine optimization company. Consumer studies have shown that most search engine users only click on sites that have a top-ten rank.
Reciprocal link exchange
A reciprocal links exchange is a Quid Pro Quo system or link exchange between two sites. Reciprocal links usually lead to the home page of the affiliate site.
Known as search engine registration or search engine submission, registration is the submission of a URL to a directory or search engine for inclusion in its index. Registration is usually free but payment is also required. Registration is a basic but important part of search engine optimization.
Results page
Also known as a search engine results page, a result page is a collection of numbered lists displayed in response to a search engine query.
Also known as a crawler or spider, a robot is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collects data, follows links, makes copies of new and updated sites, and stores URLs in search engine indexes. Is. This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.
Also known as the robots exclusion protocol, robots.text is a text file stored in a site’s root directory that tells search engine crawlers which site pages and sub-folders should not be included in the search engine index. However, there is no guarantee that any crawler will comply with this request. Robots.text is an option for meta robots tag or password protection.
SEO Professional
Also known as an internet marketing consultant or SEO expert, SEO professionals use their knowledge of search engine optimization strategies to improve their clients’ position and page rank.
SEO services
All the tools used by a professional search engine optimization company, including services analytics and keyword marketing, are SEO services.
SEO expert
Also known as an internet marketing consultant or SEO professional, SEO experts use their knowledge of search engine optimization strategies to improve their clients’ position and page rank.
SEO strategy
SEO strategies are techniques used in search engine optimization to improve a site’s position and page rank and increase its click-through rate. Some SEO strategies are keyword research and content writing, optimized HTML code and geographic targeting.
Search engine
A search engine is a website that enables users to query the index of web pages collected by a crawler for information about specific criteria expressed by keywords or search terms. The rank of the information / websites on the corresponding search engine result pages is determined by the relevance measured by the search engine’s algorithm and / or the payments made to the search engine by the indexed sites. Sites ranked by absolute consistency are known as natural listings or organic listings as opposed to paid listings.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search engine marketing is a term used to describe all the techniques used by search engines to market a website, including pay-per-click advertising and natural search engine optimization.
Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)
Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) is a for-profit professional organization founded in 2003 to raise awareness about the benefits of search engine marketing and to provide educational resources to members and customers.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Pages optimization is a modification made to improve the natural ranking of a website on search engine result pages. This is done through a combination of SEO strategies such as directory and search engine submission, website optimization, content writing and improved link quality. Please see our SEO services for details.
Search Engine Optimization Company (SEO Company)
A search engine optimization company employs an SEO strategy to improve a website’s search engine placement.
Search Engine Optimization Consultants
Also known as SEO professionals or SEO experts, search engine optimization consultants analyze website status and keyword strengths and provide solutions for improvement.
Search Engine Optimization Software Software Systems
Search engine optimization software enables software systems marketers to generate site data and automatically customize submission schedules. However, automatic submissions should generally be avoided in favor of submissions that conform to the rules of each search engine.
Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Search engine optimization strategy refers to a specific optimization plan that an SEO company employs for individual client’s site promotion.
Search engine placement
Search engine placement is the use of tricks by site optimization companies to improve the ranking of their customers. The term search engine placement is sometimes used to mean the position of a website on the results page.
Search engine placement services
Internet promotion, also known as optimization services or site optimization, are all methods that search engine place optimization company uses to improve a site’s position and page rank and increase its click-through rate and conversion rate.
Search engine positioning
Word search engine positioning can be used in two different ways. The first is to describe the ordering process of indexed websites ranked by search engine algorithms in response to a query. The second refers to the use of search engine optimization to achieve higher search engine positions.
Search engine promotion
Internet promotion, also known as website marketing or website promotion, internet promotion refers to all the methods employed by the company or individual to promote the advertisement of the website or company and increase its position and pagerank.
Search Engine Ranking Report
A search engine ranking report is a monthly, weekly, or daily report regarding the top keywords of a company’s website. Position reporting enables companies to monitor the success of an SEO strategy or cost-per-click advertising campaign.
Search engine registration
Known as search engine submission or web submission, search engine registration is the process of submitting a URL to a directory or search engine for inclusion in its index. Registration is usually free but payment is also required. Search engine registration is a basic but important part of search engine optimization.
Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)
Also known as a result page, a search engine results page is a collection of numbered lists displayed in response to a search engine query.
Search engine submission
Known as search engine registration or web submission, search engine submission is the submission of a URL to a directory or search engine for inclusion in its index. Registration is usually free but payment is also required. Search engine submission is a basic but important part of search engine optimization.
Search terms
Also known as keywords or query words, search terms are words (words) or phrases (words) that a user enters into a search engine’s query b into x. The search engine results page (SERP) searches the search engine sites to see how relevant the search engine is to the words they search for. One of the most important SEO strategies a company can employ is to optimize their product pages or their site pages with content that is relevant to the industry.
Shopping Search
Shopping search engines or search engines with a shopping feature (such as Google Product Search, formerly known as Froogle) allow users to compare a store by providing a list of sellers and prices in response to a product query. Some shopping search sites require paid content or offer paid placements.
Site optimization
Also referred to as Internet promotion, optimization optimization services or search engine placement services, site optimization refers to all the methods that search engine tim optimization company uses to improve a site’s position and page rank and increase its click-through rate and conversion rate.
Spam refers to any and all search engine marketing techniques that violate search engine guidelines or attempt to gain a higher ranking for a site by using obscure, misleading or low cost content to users. Types of spam include content that contains hidden text, silly keyword repetition, deceptive cloaking, or numerous doorway pages that redirect users to the same landing page. If a search engine detects a criminal site spamming, it will be blacklisted or lose its position. Spam is a black hat SEO technique.
Also known as a crawler or robot, Spider is a search engine program that “crawls” the web, collects data, follows links, makes copies of new and updated sites, and stores URLs in search engine indexes. . This allows search engines to provide faster and more up-to-date listings.
Known as search engine registration or search engine submission, a submission is the provision of a URL to a directory or search engine for inclusion in its index. Submissions are usually free but also require payment. Submissions are a basic but important part of search engine optimization.
Title t .gs
A title tag is an HTML tag that contains a text line describing the content of its respective webpage. Title tags are a very important part of search engine optimization because they are often used as text links that lead to sites from the search engine results page. The best title tags have strategic keywords that will help the site to be indexed properly and will appeal to human search engine users.
Three-way link exchange
A three-way link exchange is a reciprocal link exchange established between three domains. However, unlike two-way link exchange, all three sites do not link to each other. Page B and Page B Links Page C and Page C Links Page A and Page C with Page C Links Page B does not post a reciprocal link on Page B and Page C does not post a reciprocal link on Page B. Three-way link exchanges are used by many website owners to increase the link popularity and page rank of new or smaller sites.
Unique visitor
Unique visitor is a web traffic measurement term that means that at least one hit is registered from a unique IP address on a single page of a web site anywhere during a particular reporting period (typically twenty-four hours to a month). Subsequent hits (s) by the same IP address are not treated as unique visitors during that reporting period. Unique visitor counts can be an effective way to measure the success of an SEO strategy.
Web tics nalitics
Web analytics is a branch of analytics that uses web traffic records to study the behavior of website traffic visitors. Data such as the number of unique visitors, hits, pageviews, and links between landing pages and conversion rates are used to improve a website or marketing campaign.
Website marketing
Also known as internet marketing, website marketing uses the internet to advertise, communicate and sell goods and services. At the advanced level, website marketing is known as search engine optimization (SEO), which is the use of targeted keywords, crawler-friendly site architecture, search engine submissions, and a developed link network to improve a site’s position, page rank, and so on. Click-through rate.
Website tim optimization
Also known as search engine optimization, website optimization is a modification of a website aimed at improving its natural ranking on search engine results pages. This is done through a combination of optimization strategies such as directory and search engine submission, keyword marketing and improved link quality.
Website promotion
Website promotion refers to the marketing aspects of search engine optimization, such as keyword submission, paid inclusion, and other techniques for increasing site exposure.
Website promotion services
Also known as search engine marketing, website promotion services are a term used to describe all the techniques used by search engines to market a website, including pay-per-click advertising and natural search engine optimization.
Website submission
Known as search engine registration or search engine submission, website submission is the submission of a URL to a directory or search engine for inclusion in its index. Registration is usually free but payment is also required. Website submission is a basic but important part of search engine optimization.
White hat SEO
Also known as Natural Search Engine Optimization or Organic Search Engine Optimization, White Hat SEO is the keyword-focused keywords and phrases for crawler-friendly site architecture, search engine submissions, site rankings, quality work Is used. And click-through rate. White hat SEO does not involve the use of cloaking, spam or any other black hat SEO techniques.
XML is an acronym for Extensible Markup Language, a simple and flexible text-based programming language used in conjunction with HTML. Useful for XML data exchange and creation of customized texts.
XML feed
An XML feed is a form of paid inclusion or search engine submission in which an XML document is used to provide search engines with information about multiple web pages. XML feeds are especially useful for multimedia sites or database sites that draw various related search queries.